The Ultimate Cyber Security Assessment Checklist for Your Business

Cyber Security Assessment Checklist

Every business faces the daunting challenge of protecting its digital assets from an ever-growing array of cyber threats, especially when cybercrime is growing rapidly. Research shows that there were 2,365 cyberattacks in 2023, with 343,338,964 victims.  Without a comprehensive cyber security assessment checklist, your organization is vulnerable to data breaches, financial losses, and reputational damage.  […]

Why Cloud Computing is Important for Your Business

Importance of Cloud Computing

Have you ever experienced the frustration of losing crucial data due to a hardware failure or a sudden power outage? This scenario highlights a significant pain point for many businesses: data loss and downtime.  Such incidents can cause severe disruptions, financial losses and damage your company’s reputation. In fact, research proves that large-scale data loss […]

11 Information Security Strategies for Your Business

Information Security Strategies

“Information and data are the lifeblood of modern businesses, driving critical decisions and fostering growth.” Brian Leger, Co-Founder of InfoTECH Solutions.  These assets, which include customer details, financial records, and intellectual property, are sacred and essential for maintaining a competitive edge.  Cyber threats are no longer just a concern for large corporations; they impact businesses […]

What Does Data Breach Insurance Cover?

What is Data Breach Insurance

Data breaches can be terrifying for any business. They result in significant financial losses, tarnished reputations, and legal nightmares. As cyber-attacks grow more sophisticated, the threat of a breach looms larger than ever. In fact, research proves that 2023 saw a 72% increase in data breaches since 2021, which held the previous all-time record. This […]

IT Strategy for Business: The Complete Guide

How to Create an IT Business Strategy

Businesses today face the challenge of underutilized technology investments, which can drain resources and hamper growth. Crafting a robust IT business strategy is crucial to ensuring that technology expenditures directly contribute to key business outcomes. Without a strategic framework, organizations may find themselves with advanced technologies that do not sync with their business needs, leading […]

Managed Services vs Staff Augmentation: A Detailed Comparison

Staff Augmentation vs Managed Services

Deciding on the optimal strategy for scaling business operations and enhancing technological capabilities can significantly impact a company’s agility and economic efficiency.  Many businesses are now turning to outsourcing IT support as a strategic move, drawn by the potential for enhanced efficiency, cost savings, and time management.  In fact, according to research, the most widely […]

Security Threats in Cloud Computing: A Comprehensive Overview

Cloud Security Threats

It’s 2024, and the cloud is no longer an emerging technology but the backbone of many businesses. Yet, as its adoption has skyrocketed, so too have the security threats that target this vital infrastructure.  Research proves that security is a top concern for 81% of businesses that are considering moving to cloud technology. These threats […]

Cybersecurity for SMBs: What You Should Know

Cybersecurity for SMBs

Think your business is too small to be targeted? Think you’re not high profile enough to be lucrative for a cybercriminal?  Given 73 percent of small and mid-sized businesses in the U.S. experience cyber attacks annually, that definitely doesn’t seem to be the case.  – Brian Leger, Co-Founder of InfoTECH Solutions SMB cybersecurity breaches can […]

A Comprehensive Guide On World Backup Day

World Backup Day

Imagine losing all your important files in a blink—an unfortunate reality for many who overlook the significance of backing up their data.  According to the University of Texas, 94% of companies suffering from a catastrophic data loss do not survive – 43% never reopen, and 51% close within two years. As Brian Leger, Co-Founder of […]

The 9 Benefits of Cyber Awareness Training for Your Business

Benefits of Cyber Security Training

In a world where digital threats are constantly evolving, the vulnerability introduced by untrained employees is a significant risk. Alarmingly, a lack of employee training is responsible for 80% of company data breaches. This statistic is a wake-up call, emphasizing the critical importance of cybersecurity training.  As Brian Leger, Co-Founder of InfoTECH Solutions, says, “Organizations […]